Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Blogging comes to an end: now talk to real IDers!

As most of you know, Registration day is happening tomorrow and all the support you have been receiving through emails from your mentors and through this blog from all the welcomeID volunteers will be substituted by richer face to face interactions with current students and an amazing suite of events prepared by students who are putting a lot of effort and dedication so you have a great introduction to ID.

Just be sure not to miss any welcomeID event! All of them bring tons of value at all levels: academic, social, informational, cultural, etc.

And since you will start establishing connections with the ID community, hopefully this blog will be less and less relevant for you over time.

As a virtual wrap-up I wanted to thank all the students that have answered literally ALL new students’ questions, specially the most active ones: Hyuniee, Clint, David, Zach, Andrea, Lauren, Alex, Pam, Eric, Kevin, Joyce, Irene. Thank them personally if you come across them.

Have a great welcomeID week

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