Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Reading List

In addition to those forwarded by Chuck, which directly relate to next year's Systems class (a requirement for 1st year Design Planning students), I wanted to mention a few books that I know will also be valuable to your time at the ID regardless of your track. The short short list (this could go on for pages so I've really tried to focus on the best) includes:

The Essential Drucker by Peter Drucker

The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

About Face 2.0 by Alan Cooper

Observing the User Experience by Morgan Kaufmann

This whole list will only cost about $70 purchased from Amazon with free shipping. Also, start reading Business Week and the Wall Street Journal whenever you can. Understanding the business world will make you a far more powerful designer than keeping up with the latest issue of Print or I.D. magazines.

If any current students have any other suggestions add them in the comments.

Looking forward to meeting you all in the Fall. :D


Zachary Jean Paradis
MDes Candidate, Institute of Design, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ambient Findability by Peter Morville is also good. Especially if you are interested in interaction or wayfinding systems. Also, About Face, as Zach mentioned, is good for anyone in comm/interaction.